Schools of the Prophets   

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding." Psalms 111:10

mock Schools of the Prophets Office Building - Ghana

The Mission of Schools of the Prophets

To restore the image of God in the soul as it was in the beginning."The great work of life is character-building; and a knowledge of God is the foundation of all true education. To impart this knowledge, and to mold the character in harmony with it, should be the object of the teacher's work." Leviticus pg 41

The Levitical institutions which had its rebirth in 1939 at Mt Carmel, Waco Texas, as was in the days of Samuel, has continued on in its thrust to support the work of revival and reformation within the Seventh- day Adventist denomination, which is the appointed work for the Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association (DSDA). In moving forward, from the mattock to the ox plough phase, in 2019, a school in Ghana, and later Haiti and the Philippines (presently under construction), were developed for the chief purpose of training young men and women who have embraced the Rod’s message and want to commit their lives to its principles. They should at the end of their training be well advanced enough to share the sealing message. The DSDA Association, through these Schools, are committed to care for each student’s physical, moral, emotional and mental well-being that they develop as grounded 100% Davidian only candidates for the Kingdom. The development of these youth will certainly advance the work in sharing the sealing message for our time.

Schools of the Prophets at a Glance
  • CURRICULUM: The curriculum is bible and prophecy based. This is done first in the classroom and continued by practical application through presentations in the classroom, church visits and outreach evangelism in their respective communities.
  • LIFE SKILLS: These include farming, construction, plumbing, electrical installation, computer training skills, cooking, household maintenance, animal husbandry, office skills, compound maintenance, landscaping and more.
  • SOCIAL INTERACTION & DEVELOPMENT: All students will co-habituate in dorms with others possibly from various regions and countries. This facilitates the learning of new languages but keeping English as the core for daily communication which enhances the student’s ability to teach the message as it was written.

" God has a church upon the earth, who are His chosen people, who keep His commandments. . " - Maranatha 121.1

All of our schools are located in quiet secluded areas nestled in between previously existing communities and villages. These areas afford the residents opportunities for quiet rest and meditation. The campuses provide housing for students, administration, auxiliary staff, and planned for visitors. Farming is an integral part of the daily activities which helps the schools to become self-supporting as well as provide daily exercise for the all-round development of its inhabitants.


God created man in His own likeness. He endowed him with noble qualities. His mind was well balanced, and all the powers of his being were harmonious. But the fall and its effects have perverted these gifts. Sin has marred and well-nigh obliterated the image of God in man. It was to restore this that the plan of salvation was devised, and a life of probation was granted to man. To bring him back to the perfection in which he was first created, is the great object of life, -- the object that underlies every other. It is the work of parents and teachers, in the education of the youth to co-operate with the divine purpose; and in so doing they are 'laborers together with God.' The Leviticus of D.S.D.A. 41

The School of the Prophets are currently enrolling students for this year. Interested applicants can download the application (to the right), fill it out, and email it to for Ghana, Haiti, or the Philippines (preference will only be given to applicants who meet the criteria and are living in those locations). The only exception to this would be for Ghana as this facility has successfully accommodated students from Togo and Nigeria to date. Any of the neighboring countries like Togo, Cote d’lvoire (Ivory Coast), Burkina Faso would be considered. Please carefully read the criteria before applying. If you have any questions pertaining to this process, fell free to contact us via email.